Wednesday 1 July 2015


Ashworth, E. (2013). Utilizing participation in meaningful occupation as an intervention approach to support the acute model of inpatient palliative care. Palliative and Supportive Care, 12(05), 409–412. doi:10.1017/s1478951513000734

Benthall, D., & Holmes, T. (2011). End-of-life care: facilitating meaningful occupations. OT Practice, 16(9), 7-10.

Burkhardt, A., Ivy, M., Kannenberg, K. R., Low, J. F., Marc-Aurele, J., Youngstrom, M. J., & DeLany, J. (2011). The Role of Occupational Therapy in End-of-Life Care. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65,S66-75. doi:10.5014/ajot.2011.65S66

Hunter, E. (2008). Legacy: the occupational transmission of self through actions and artifacts. Journal Of Occupational Science,15(1), 48-54. doi:10.1080/14427591.2008.9686607

Jacques, N., & Hasselkus, B. (2004). The nature of occupation surrounding dying and death. OTJR: Occupation, Participation & Health, 24(2), 44-53. doi:10.1177/153944920402400202

Kaye, P. (2006). Notes on symptom control in hospice and palliative care. Machiasport, ME: Hospice Education Institute. 

Keesing, S., & Rosenwax, L. (2011). Is occupation missing from occupational therapy in palliative care? Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 58(5), 329-336. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1630.2011.00958.x

La Cour, K., Nordell, K., & Josephsson, S. (2009). Everyday lives of people with advanced cancer: activity, time, location, and experience. OTJR: Occupation, Participation & Health, 29(4), 154-162. doi:10.3928/15394492-20090914-03

Park Lala, A., & Kinsella, E.A. (2011). A phenomenological inquiry into the embodied nature of occupation at end of life. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78, 246-254. doi:10.2182/cjot.2011.78.4.6

Trump, S.M., Zahoransky, M. & Seibert, C. (2005). Occupational therapy and hospice.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 59(6), 671-675. doi:10.5014/ajot.59.6.671

Warne, K., & Hoppes, S. (2009). Lessons in living and dying from my first patient: an autoethnography. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76(4), 309-316. doi:10.1177/000841740907600410


  1. It is a wonderful thing Lizzie to have a blog explaining how important the last stages of life are, how others impact us in our last months and how strong and brave the human spirit can be. It is indeed the simple things shared with our loved ones that matter the most. i love your blog It is very much a reflection of your loving self.

  2. Thank you for your kind comments Susan. I really enjoyed writing the blog, although it was quite hard at times. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to know people are thinking about palliative care as it tends to be an area that gets forgotten or people don't want to talk about.
